
CSS for Mobile Browsers : WebKit Extensions (part 2) - Border Image

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2. Border Image

The border image extension is an excellent solution to the problem of creating a dynamically sized rectangle with custom borders. Its implementation is very similar to CSS Sprites, and usage is simple. This technique is useful for buttons, titles, content zones, and every area where we want a custom border design without using tables.

The attribute to use is -webkit-border-image, and the most common syntax is:

 -webkit-border-image: url top right bottom left x_repeat y_repeat;

The url is the image location (or inline image), and the four edge values (top, right, bottom, left) are distance values to be used from the image’s sides. The center box defined by the space not used by these four values will be used for the center pattern. For example, if we define 5 as the top, the box to which we are applying this style will have as the top border the top 5px of the border image.


The border image doesn’t define the box’s width and height or the border size; it is only used to define the contents of the border. If we need to change the dimensions of the box, we need to add width and height properties. We must also define the border property of the element, setting it to the desired size. The border image will be resized to the border size.

The x_repeat and y_repeat values are optional and can be defined as one of the following constants:


The portion of the image extracted using the top and bottom for y_repeat and using the left and right for x_repeat is repeated until it fills the available width/height of the box.


The image is repeated until it fills the available width/height of the box, but without any partial tile at the end; it is stretched so that it fits in the available space a whole number of times. This value has no effect in many mobile browsers.


The image is stretched to fill the entire width or height of the box without repetition.

The border image is cut in nine pieces, as we can see in the Figure 1. Four are used as corners and the others are used as background images for sides and center.


If you are applying a border image to a button, it will not have any “pressed” effect. To create such an effect, you must change the active and/or focus pseudoclass, specifying another border image. Problems can occur when you try to change the way buttons are rendered dynamically, though, so for custom designs it is better to use links or remove the default button rendering with -webkit-appearance: none.

The simplest way to define the border image is with the four values equal, using:

-webkit-border-image: url distance;

This sample will produce the result shown in Figure 2:

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Image Border</title>
<style type="text/css">
/* We should use input[type=button] too, but for testing purposes we will
not use CSS3 */
input.bordered {
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-image: url(border1.png) 6;

a.bordered {
-webkit-border-image: url(border1.png) 6;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px;

h1 {
-webkit-border-image: url(border2.png) 50 50 50 50 repeat stretch;
border: 20px;

/* The h2 will use the same image border but half size */
h2 {
-webkit-border-image: url(border2.png) 50 50 50 50 round round;
border: 10px;

<h1>This is a title</h1>
<h2>This is a subtitle</h2>
<input type="button" class="bordered" value="Press Me" />
<!-- Safari applies border image to inline elements too -->
<a href="" class="bordered">This is a link</a>

Another sample is the implementation of the classic back button in iPhone user interfaces, using only left, right, and center zones (splitting the image into three parts). This code produces the result shown in Figure 3:

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Image Border</title>
<style type="text/css">
#back {
-webkit-border-image: url(border1.png) 0 5 0 15;


<a href="/" id="back">Home Page</a>

Figure 1. The image is cut into nine pieces and each one is used as either a corner or a part of the background.

As Table 2 shows, this extension works on about half of the major mobile web platforms.

Table 2. Border image compatibility table
Browser/platformBlock elementsInline elements
Android browserYes (differences with content background)Yes
Symbian/S60Partial in 5th edition No before 5th editionYes
Nokia Series 40Bad in 6th edition No before 6th editionBuggy in 6th edition
Openwave (Myriad)NoNo
Internet ExplorerNoNo
Motorola Internet BrowserNoNo
Opera MobileNoNo
Opera MiniNoNo

Figure 2. Using only two images, we can create these kinds of borders and backgrounds.


Some of the WebKit extensions will also work in Firefox Mobile and in the MeeGo/Maemo browser, because both use Mozilla’s Gecko engine. For these browsers, we should replace the prefix -webkit with -moz.

Figure 3. This kind of button can be designed very easily, with dynamic width using border image.

3. Safari-Only Extensions

Safari on iOS has added a lot of extensions to the CSS standards, and even to WebKit (which is the engine behind it). These extensions work only in Safari for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (some of them also work in Safari for desktop, but we’re only concerned with mobile browsers here). The Android and webOS browsers also understand some of these extensions, depending on which WebKit version they are based on.

The CSS extensions can be grouped into categories as follows:

  • Transitions

  • Animations

  • 2D and 3D transforms

  • Miscellaneous (listed in Table 3)

The CSS extensions for iPhone are quite spectacular. They allow you to create Flash-like experiences and 3D transformations using only CSS. This is great, though also sometimes painful because it all needs to be coded in CSS, a language not built for this kind of interaction.

Table 3. Common CSS extensions for Safari on iOS
-webkit-text-securitycircle, disc, none, squareDefines the character to display in password fields for each character the user enters.
-webkit-text-size-adjustauto, none, percentage valueDefines the font size adjustment for easy reading.
-webkit-appearancePartial list: none, button, button-bevel, checkbox, default-button, listbox, listitem, media-fullscreen-button, media-mute-button, media-play-button, radio, searchfield, searchfield-cancel-button, slider-horizontal, slider-vertical, square-button, textarea, textfieldChanges the appearance of elements to render as native controls of the OS. Available since iOS 2.0. A value of none will allow us to define a custom design using CSS.
-webkit-user-selectauto / none / textFrom iOS 3.0, defines whether or not the user can select the text for copy/paste purposes.
-webkit-touch-calloutnone, inheritRemoves the callout (hint window) that appears when the user keeps his finger over a link for a few seconds.
-webkit-tap-highlight-colorColor valueDefines a color to be used as the background when the user taps a link or a clickable element.
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